Friday, April 30, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

life is great if you know how to live it.
anger can be disperse if you know how to deal with it.
love can be blossom if you can accept the differences,
and therefore great knowledge can be obtain so that you can pass it down to the others,
and may you live well in prosperity.

happy anniversary sayang,
noridyana eliany alias
9month, baby da boleh keluar dari perut u da ni tau klu kite da kawen when we first time couple.
i'm looking forward to see life together with you.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

i am fucking stress.

Monday, April 26, 2010

ingat ko sorang ke syg leh buat?
slow down..
we have it already.
we only need to defend it.
therefore we need to be strong.

we won't fail if we truly have it,
i believe we do.
have love.
you're my falling star,
fallen from distance,
i blink, and i missed it.
i tried looking for it,
but someone else found you.

you are a fork, and i am a spoon.
and he is a knife.
i eat nasi lemak, u eat western.
just because i don't look, does not mean i don't see.
just because i don't hear, does not mean i don't listen,
just because i am silent, does not mean i don't care.

when u touch me, u know.

you were meant for me and i was meant for you,
soon you'll see,
that i love you..

Saturday, April 24, 2010

noridyana eliany.

things that i see in you, are things that i wish to see in my wife.
things that i see you do, are things that i wish i can do for my entire life.,
love that you have in you, is the love i wish i can have in me. and i wish i can show it to the world how important you really mean to me.

Friday, April 23, 2010

no goodbye.

when i try to say goodbye, i choke.
no goodbye is better, because eventually we will meet again.
so no goodbye!
i hate that word.
say my name baby,
say baby i love you,
say baby i am yours,
say baby you are mine.

say you will live for me.
i have not done much to make my family proud. i am not much in terms of academic when i was a child. i'm quite a naughty kid. haha, thinking back the days, i used to stole some coins from my mom's wallet when i was standard 5. only coins, maybe that time my expenses was all given in coins, so i dare not take duit kertas. sorry mom.. :'(

when i was 7years old, i ran away from home and school. it was not like i hate my school or family,
it was just under friend's influence. we were planning to go to gua musang as there are stories about a harta karun being burried there. and that time was famous with tamiya. a toy sport car.
luckily half the way, my mom manage to find me and brought me back home and i was crying like mad. haha
come to think about it, that was the first time i made my mom cried.

for my UPSR, i only get 1a 4b. yeah, i'm not suprised cause i knew well i was not studying and didn't really care about it.

The point where i realized that there is not much point to get really serious in life because in the end, no one lives. therefore, forgiveness is necessary and helping is the key.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

everyone is dying inside slowly without love in their heart.

The greatest love of my life.

you are the love of my life,
you have given me so much and i know well that whatever happen,
you will always love me no matter what.
i love you more than anything, anything in this world.
i'd give everything for you as you have given everything for me.

i'd sacrifice everything for you,
as i know you would sacrifice everything for me too.
u have taught me well,
to be a good man on this earth,
you are my everything.

i can not live without you,
i miss you,
i love you.
you are my first love since i was born,
and you will always be my last.

i know you as well as you know me.
i am fully yours,
nothing can break our bond.
not even death.

you will always be my heart,
you taught me love doesn't have to be said,
it can only be feel.

i am yours.
i am your son.


in flying, whatever u do, plan first what are you going to do next.
don't make it only in terms of flying.
make it as life habits.

but when things don't go as you plan,
that's where u have to beware.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy birthday 20th love.

dear Idyana,
may u have special blessing from all the people around you,
the day of your birth is definitely something that must be remembered,
your presence in this world means more than anything to me.

i hope you manage to take care whenever or wherever you are,
live your life. it only come once.
don't be regretful for any decision that u made.

find the wisdom in anything that you look for,
know the loves you have always been given.

with loves,
Ali Imran Kamarul Zaman

Monday, April 19, 2010

everyday is a wonderful day if u know how to live it.

today i'm not very well. maybe i had to much of sleep yesterday night until i woke up this morning and have terrible headache last until now.
and later in the noon, fever started to tag along. i started to feel warm and batuk2.
and i managed to sleep a little bit this evening, dyana fly time ni..
and wake up around 5pm after dyana called me.
then had my my haircut and drove bad to town thereafter.

i am so sleepy now.
my tests are confirmed on day after tomorrow.
day after test, go back kota bharu.

today i noticed one thing,
one important thing.
it is seriously wonderful to know that there are one girl out there that truly loves me no matter what.
besides my mom, dad, siblings, cousins.
i have one girl, very special girl who loves me.

then i thought,
"i'm really lucky to have her love, she's sweet and kind, caring and patience, truthful and honest."
then i thought some more,
"i can't wait to have her family's and mine approval to marry her. merisik is the word for malay."

insyaAllah syg, after both of us grad, we tie the knot eh. :)

for every successful man, there is a woman behind him.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Funny morning

today i woke up at 7.15am. and i immediately went into the bathroom having thinking that i was late for school. then i remember.
hari ni aku mane ade fly,
night flying je,
nila akibatnye kalau tiap2 pagi dtg sekolah,
dah terbiase dah.

then pakai balik seluar and baju, sambung tido.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

It is important to live your life without regrets,
love yourself, love your friends,
love those who love you.
love your country,
love your religion,
mostly, know what love is.

i don't know what love is,
but i know i feel it all around me.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Kan best kalau apac 04T ckp mcm ni kat aku waktu cpl test..
"weh! saper ajar kau buat landing mcm ni haa?? very good! almost perfect! saper instructor kau?!" tu baru satu..
lagi aku nak..
"macam mane boleh dapat ni?? macam mane boleh dapat tu?? what is this?? what is that??". and aku lak dpt jwb. then dia "hah! mcm nila yg aku nak! ah, tak yah fly lah, aku pass kau trus! jom aku blanja kfc!"
lagi aku nak..
"ok, sekarang kite buat glide eh. (sambil tepuk bahu aku)"
eh sir sir, tinggi approach ni sir, "oh tinggi eh, jap eh, ahh ahh, ok ok, sekarang da ok?"

mcm2 yg aku nak!! argh!!!

The love I have found is within you,

Nor Idyana Eliany Alias.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

pakcik aka syahrur

today i flew for one hour and guess what, i only left 5:45hours left to be done before cpl gh and if test. a bit of mixed between excited and nervous.

tonight's dinner was sponsored by encik Saiful, our staff from kb. how nice of him and we went to saujana which is a steak house.

to miss dyana,
i miss and love you,
and today i texted you this,
i love u as who u are,
i love u for what u have and what u don't,
i want to marry you so that i can feel u up with loves.

i really mean it.

owh, today's flying was ok. my landings are getting better or i was just getting lucky.
i miss home. i wish i can go back this weekend cause dyana also coming back, and i have long to see my family.
and dyana tgh tgk citer my name is khan. really good movie. i like the last part, so touching u know. haha

today, one question popped up in my mind. and that is..
what are we supposed to achieve when we live? and what shows when we finally did?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

ok, this post i want to share with you is about our first met/ date.

the night was at putrajaya, and we had ben planning for a while to meet up and hang out after i came to her house for the first time.
here the story goes,
that day, dyana's cousin visited her family at nilai, her cousins from kedah, kampung dyana.
and during the day, dyana had to teman her cousin to freshen their eyes around kl. so they went to time square, klcc and other places as well. this time, we only started to getting know each other, baru start nak hantar mms, and getting close.

our date was night time, and me being punctual as always, ehem ehem!
came her house after maghrib because she told me she will be back home during that time. and when i arrived at hers, guess what? dyana tak sampai rumah pun lagi but da on the way la.
and i was shy wehhhh because she told me to just go inside her house and get know with her family sumer sebab that time, her maktok was there! and so was uncle Rahmat sabri and his family. masuk2 rumah dyana, salam2 sumer, and duduk kat ruang tamu berbual with her father.

then when dyana da balik, she asked me to give her some time to freshen up sket before we went out. and sian dia, judging from the way she looks, she was tired but since aku da dtg sumer, dia pun senyum je.. thats the first thing that i like about her.
sanggup berkorban.

then mlm tu, pg putrajaya. ingat nak tgk movie but the movie was ful and we decided to jalan2 sekitar putrajaya je.. sbb sepupu dyana tak pernah sampai putrajaya, and i had the honour of showing them the places although waktu nk pegi alamanda tu aku sendiri sesat. =.=

then lepak2, main truth or dare ( game ni pun ade sejarah dia jugak, nnt aku citer lg),
then kene sound ngan pakguard mane ntah telling us that we are not supposed to hangout there at this time at night. then we pun naik kete and drove elsewhere..

and bile nak balik sumer, after da sampai rumah dyana, that time da lewat sgt da, around 2am rasanya and ibu rupa2nya belum tido lagi..
and bermula la story kami di sni, di malam tu..
let's see, today.. the most interesthing happen is... hurm.. nnt saye citer.
so td pg hanger awal, then only one aircraft flew today which is romeo. and ac tu plak has intercom problem. kirenya kalau butang transmit tak tekan, it will still transmit when we say, kalau kite berbual dgn co-pilot pun, at times, tower boleh dgr our conversation. so kene hati2 la untuk tidak mengutuk tower. hahaha
kat tower ni pun ade makcik pelat, pakcik gelabah, abang sweet. ngehehehe
and my sortie starts at 11am. and ingat kan da sampai hanger, after da tolak ac sumer, ingat nak pg breakfast. but then, pakcik da angkut itu van pegi breakfast sorang2. perghhhh
bukannya nak ajak pakcik ni, aku rase dia mmg sengaja nak pegi sorang sbb nak bg aku quality time with ck utk breakfast nnt.. =.= haha!
then after breakfast with ck, both of us flew for 3hours. for my sortie, it was supposedly IF sortie but i only did GH profile. maybe because i still lack of the confidence for my GH and sincerely, after today, i felt better! maybe sebab ck tought me a few things about stall sumer, what to do and what not. so mcm cool la fly dgn org skem ni. he always knew what to do though sometimes he might be wrong.
then da land, teman saiful aka our engineer lunch jap, then balik.
and i rested for a while since i have more flying on the night.

then petang tu, pakcik balik from flying. he just finished his FNT.
and he sent me and prem back to hanger.
then mlm tadi, apac20 yg jd our instructor. so vacation la broooo
haha, but boring la fly ngan dia at times sbb kalau angin mcm sasau sket je, trus dia take over.
boring la mcm tu. but he did it for our own safety.

then balik, on9 jap sbb tak sbr nak bace blog dyana. :)
then bukak fb ade a few comments in our pic.
reminds me of the old days but as the saying goes, what done is done.

so, back again towards the question. bende plg interesthing happen was.. hurm...
oh oh, td before balik ade mintak captain wan to sign my FTR and logbook. haha, and he perli me because my FTR should had been signed immediately after sortie but i delayed.. and delayed.. and delayed until sumernye bertimbun2 and he had to sign for my early sorties when i first arrived terengganu. nsb baik dia nak sign.

and i cannot wait for the test!

heart controls everything.

we do things based on what we think is true,
our minds may tell lies but hearts never were.
i'd make decisions based on my heart rather than my mind.

there were sadness and pain throughout our entire relationship but,
never occur to me even once to stop loving her.
i just want her to be happy.
because we only live once.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

story to tell, story to remember.

this is a piece of story on how i met dyana.
the very first time i saw her, was at jb. that time my batchmate, john went to picked her up to hang out together. and since john was not able to go back home at jb very often, and dyana is his friend, so once in a while when there's oppurtunity, they meet up.
that time i was at jb also, spent a few night at john's, that time i was quite stress at home and i needed to get out. so i decided to spent raya qurban with him.

the very first time i met her, she was messy! long hair and her face was kinda full with pimple and i was.. "ish, bnyknya jerawat" but to be polite, i smile. hehehehe
it was never like i love u when i first met u. no, we have a slightly different story.
so, we went to jb airport to minum2 petang. i remember she talked alot with john and i was mostly sit quietly and hear on what they were saying, and if i could join in, i join.
then having arrived at the airport, we went to coffee shop, and i ordered a drink that was terrible. thats why i decided to drank her drink. i thought she didnt mind at all so that's why i never bothered to ask her permission first.
i just staraight away "dyana, nak rasa sket boleh tak?" and she was like "erkk.."
and i straight away take her drink, and slurpppppp!
then i said "sedap sedap" hahahah
and her face was like "apehal mamat ni belasah air aku??" then when i gave her drink back, she said "oh, habiskan lah"
and i.. never paid any attention to her, just took her drink and finish it without feeling guilty. yelah kan, org da bagi air, amek jelah, sedap pulak tu. coffee choclate. hahaha, sorry sayang!!
then we talk a bit about our personal lives like where does she lives, and so on.
when she said her home at nilai, i thought "wah, dekatnye. boleh la slalu jumpe bile bosan. and its true! next time i met her was at her home and the reason is i was bosan at home!
then i remember went to donnut shop, bought a few doughnuts and brought it back to he table that we were sitting in the coffee shop. and me and john just eat, and i never ask her to take some until i noticed her just watching we ate.
then i offered but she declined. that time i thought "da bg taknak, more donuts for me!" that time i was hungry ok. haha

after that, we went back. sent dyana home. that time my feelings for her never occured yet. nak tau citer selanjutnye? tunggula ehhh..
i'll write more later. :)

ps: i really love you noridyana eliany alias.

i want the readers to know how we, who never have feelings for each other in the first place can turn into what we have now.

14hours left to finish single engine.

i have 14hours left to finish single engine wehhhhh!!
hahhaa, 9days and 5night flying.
and on 19th, captain razak will be coming over here to do our cpl gh & if test.
wow, time sure fliesssss.
tak sabar gile nak habis but at the same time, tak nak jumpa captain razak. pergh cuaknye wehhh

today morning i was supposed to kejutkan dyana tp aku bangun lewat 30minits. adoi, nasib baik roommate dia sempat kejutkan, kalau tak, maunya dia terlambat.

aku pegi skolah at noon as my sortie starts at 3pm. i did solo if with ck and dual gh with 20.
and during if sortie td, i did 2landings.
fly sumer mcm biase cume angin tak kuat, smooth je. maybe sebab da petang kot.
then sebok kire how many sortie left i have to do before test.
and kire2, i have 9hours left for day flying.
insyaAllah kene buat btul2 for my test nnt.
then balik before fly for last sortie, sempat call dyana tp dia angkat. i just called nk bgtau aku nak fly jap.
then after aku da takeoff sumer, dyana call 2kali but aku tak perasan. waktu tu aku pic, and ck safety pilot. so aku berbual dgn dyana jap sambil fly. ngehehehe
jgn risau syg, i da bg ck take control jap. :)

then hbs fly, angkat tong minyak, refuel aircraft, then balik..
today yang paling interesthing happen is i started to enjoy flying with ck!
hahaha, at first mls gile but now, dah takde hal da klu nak fly dgn dia.
and waktu nak request start, i accidently said copied information koli.
haha, patutnya info kilo. hahaha, don't know why but for some reason both of us ketawa terbahak2. hahahaha
it was enjoyable.

(ni klu pakcik bace ni mesti dia ejek aku shialllllll)

Monday, April 12, 2010

a bad night, a good day!

malam semalam, ade berlaku sedikit pertengkaran between me and sayang.
aku acted mcm budak2 sket and syukur this morning when aku call, she picked up.
malam semalam tak boleh tido sebab baru je lepas gadoh, and drpd mata mengantok, trus jd tak ngantok.. aku pon tak tau aku tido pkol bape semalam and i'm really sorry sayang.
akibatnya, pagi tadi aku bangun lambat. haha
tu pun wawan masok bilik aku and gerak aku sambil tanyer "ali, ko fnt en hari ni?"
aku da menggelabah smbil tgk jam yg da pkul 7.31am.
pergh aku trus bergegas kuar nak cr saper yg boleh dtg balik nnt untuk amek aku.
sbb van da ready nak gerak da.
then van pg dulu, aku siap2 jap then wawan dtg balik amek aku with danny.
thanks wan!
then sampai skolah je, prepare sket2 and call sayang. aku nak dgr suara dia before aku buat test.
then da call sumer, then syukur things da nampak better..
then aku pun like ususal ingatkan dia da bgtau instructor ke blum psl taknak fly hari ni.. sbb dia penat.. and kejutkan dia sumer..
then before aku fly aku call dia lagi nak bgtau la yg aku nak fly jap lg.
and thanks sayang for the wish. u made my day.
then fly sumer mcm biase, i did my best and percaya tak, blum sempat pon nak takeoff, captain wan da tidoq, hahaha, adoii
and aku at first mmg cuak giler tau tp aku xcuak about flying.
aku cuak ttg briefing je. and nsb baiklaa dia tak tanye mcm2.
dia tanye aku kepayang kat mana? ko sekolah mana dulu?
hahaha, soalan2 pelik lak yg dia tanye.
but papepun i'm glad!
then da land sumer, da dibrief, dia ckp both me and eden pass. dia happy with our flying. then aku trus call mak aku and dyana.
and aku text mama dyana jugak nak bgtau ttg this gud news. :D

so now da boleh prepare utk balik kb and buat test kat sane. tak sabar sangat!
and ade kemungkinan besar aku tak dapat balik for birthday dyana.. :(
but aku try balik la, first birthday together kot.

ps: sayang, i really love you.. please remember that always and forever.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


my fnt is scheduled for tomorrow pkol 11am.
i think i have made enough preparation although there are still lots of thing yg aku tak tau.
hrp2 sumernya dipermudahkan esok oleh-Nya.
syg, u da janji nak teman i tido tonight. call me tau.
teman me for atleast one hour. :)
i really love u.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

feelings part 2.

i dont really care about the outcome,
what's more important is the effort that it takes,
and how pure your reason is.


you said it will be alright,
but both of us already knew it will never be.
i said we will survive,
sure we will but we won't live.

fly 3jam jee, nak fly lg banyak! :(

so today aku bgn awal, pkul 6.30am. patutnya kene gerak dyana pkol 6am tp aku terlewat bgn, nsb baik dia sempat siap2 sumer.
pagi tadi patotnya teman wawan fly pg kb nak tukar ac, but last minute xjadi, sbb flt ops kb ckp aircraft xready lagi. so xfly la.. and kalau ikut jadual, aku fly petang,
part of me rasa menyesal sket sbb kalau tahu xjd fly, boleh aku bgn lambat.
but i am wrong. aku syukur gile pegi skolah pagi tadi sbb aku dapat siapkan my logbook yg da brape bulan ntah xupdate. and aku sempat siapkan board for my fnt.
so kurang la beban tu. now i just need to study a bit to build up my confidence.
xsuke la kalau instructor tanye sumthing and aku xdpt jawab. :(

so td fly if 3jam. and 1jam aku bwk wawan. then aku bwk bad then aku bwk amir.
huhu, best2. xrase sgt la kepenatan tu sbb although fly 3jam, but after one hour je aku land. sbb nak tukar safety pilot. kesian lak nak mintak wawan mutual sbb dia da xde sortie da. sortie dia kan kene cancel so tgk dia pon mcm xsbr nak balik je, so mintak dia mutual for one hour jelah.
then next hour bwk bad.
then next hour bwk amir.
and esok aku xde sortie. which is gud as i can relax and study sket.
aku study bukan bukak buku. bukak wikipedia je kat internet. buku sumer ntah kemana ntah aku da campak.

and family dyana buat suprise utk dyana! :D
family dyana dtg jb, tp xlame. tonight da balik..
wahh, aku rase happy sgt. :D
happy sebab tgk dyana happy kot.
ok ok, jiwang alert! =.=

skang ni, ramai my batchmate kuar dinner, aku da makan awal. so xikotla..
ceitt, kalau aku blum dinner pon bukannya aku nak ikot gak. aku ni jnis yg mls sket,
lg suke duduk rumah tgk tv.
boringkan saya? hahah!

adoii, bilela dyana nak text ni.. rindulaaaa

ps:sharur aka pakcek, best bace??

Friday, April 9, 2010

FNT wehhhh, damn!

ok, aku da cuak.
fnt maybe luse. and aku tau sgt2 aku xprepare satu ape pon.
my god, slame ni aku buat nav, kalau solo rilek je..
xyah bwk map pon xpe, da hafal da landmark sumer. but fnt wehhh,
kene buat btul2.
aku xrisau about flying, i'm more concern about ground briefing nnt.
maunya instructor tanye aku mcm2 and aku xboleh jawab.. aah sudahh. =.=


cpl gh and if kat kb. =.=!

pergh, confrim buat cpl gh test and cpl if test kat kb.
mane boleh wehhh, susahnye!! dah la nak kene study about boundaries training area dulu.
and nak kene study chart dulu..
adoiii, ni da mcm keje airline btul da ni. have to get used it la kot.

today fly pagi je, mutual with ck and fly with apac20.
mcm biase, ntg unusual, oh cume waktu nak buat vor y approach tu kene hold kat kt town for 30minutes. hahahaha, borak2 dgn ck la aku wehhh!
ck tanye aku "ei ali how did u meet ur gf?"
then since ade bnyk masa kat atas sbb kene hold, aku pon citer la dr a-z. :)
yang, ck pon d atahu ttg how we met tau, ck. haha
jujrnya, i never expect to tell the stories to ck, but since aku ngan dia da bond baekk punyaaaa (thanks to pakcik and meera sbb schedule me bnyk mutual ngan dia =.=),
so aku pon mmg rasa syok nak citer kat dia..
and he said wahh, not bad..
aku pon xtau ape yg not bad nya but aku trime je sbagai pujian. haha
i feel good when tell stories of us and the person yg dgr pon nmpk interested. aku suke giler! :D

then no more sorties for the day, balik and rehat ajela..
hari ni dyana busy sgt.. :'(
sedeh wehhhh, tp nk buat cemane..
xsbr nak tgg da hbs grad!

hari ni perut saya banyak saket. xtau apesal, maybe sumthing i ate kot.
bukan saket perut mcm cirit birit ke ape, cume slalu nak masuk toilet.
tanda saya sehat la tu kan? hehe

ni esok sure ade sortie, jap lg nak cx at what time.
and most probably we the first 6 pegi kb on 16th.
and dgr citer twin progress kat sane very slowwwww,
so mungkin we dpt cuti dulu.. who knows kan?
hopefully dpt la, da lama x balik jumpe family.
dapat date lagi! and apa lagi, bertambah la album kat fb aku.. hehehehe
suke ske ske!

<3 u dyana.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

smile smile smileeee :D

smile is the only thing i could do when i'm unable to express my feelings.
sometimes i angry, but i don't show. i smile. i don't pretend like being happy or something but i smile.
because from the i things i observe, it helps me to make correct desicion. it helps me to not regret the decision i made.
when people mad, they say things, bad stuff. and sometimes, they dont even mean it. they simply said it because they are angry.
i don't like that. when i angry at people, i quite because if i say or do something, i'm afraid of the regret that i will feel. that pain is more painful than that angry itself.
u see me like normal but inside u dont know. only i do. unless i tell you how i feel.
but usually i dont. because even if i say, nrmally, it wont make much difference.

life is short. u dont know whats gonna happen tomorrow. would u really be able to live with the burden of your mistake?
people make mistake, therefore it's important to forgive. if u dont forgive, the other person will of course pay the consequences. but u will pay even more.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

first night solo, gua gempak beb ( padehal lutot da terketaq2)

so tadi i just had my first night solo.. jujurnya, it was scary.
aku lg suke fly siang dr malam. sbb malam xnmpk. susah nak tgk mane runway, and kalau ade kawasan bergunung, kene la super careful.
and bile nak land, kene extra careful gak sbb susah nmpk centerline tu. tambah lg dgn crosswind sasau, bounce la jawapannya. =.=

so today bagun pagiii, then pg skolah mcm biase.. aku 3rd sortie which is pkul 10am. and ck pun ade fnt pkul 10am but different ac la. so biasenya tiap2 pg kami akn pg breakfast, but pagi td pakcik, meera and prem fly first sortie.. so, aku ingat nak breakfast dgn dorang skali after dorang land. but sian lak kat ck, sbb dia ajak makan, and klu nak tgg sumer land dulu br mkn, boleh je but tkt xsempat nnt utk ck buat preparation for fnt dia.
so aku pon bwkla dia pg mkn.. baik kan aku?ngegegege

after that, balik je.. pakcik br land so aku teman dia mkn jugak.

so fly hari ni mcm biase, then mutual eden.. mcm biase la, ntg interesthing pon.

aku ingat lg cik dyana saye ni bgn pkul 11am, biasela tu, letih sgt.. :)
then dia ade fly mutual pak arab td but dia xdpt fly her sortie sbb wx truk sgt..
malang laa but xpe, esok luse ade..
kami masing2 busy today so xdpt nak contact sgt..
akibatnya..rindu thp sasau!! =.=
i miss u dyana.. :'(
xsbr nak grad, keje, and kawen dgn u.
may we live happily ever after together syg.. :)

ok ok, i need to rest, esk ade nav! and i still belum prepare lg.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

off day feels no difference.

hari ni off day, but kepenatan dia mcm sama je dgn kalau hari flying.
=.= adoii, mcm prem ckp la kot..
"one day off not enough la, we fly fly fly, and the tired come all catch up like. should be atleast 2days la"
and esok i have 4sorties.

so today, bgn pon lambat pkul 12pm.. da lame xbgn lewat, best giler bile dpt tido lame2. after bgn je, lepak trus kat rumah sebelah tgk movie and try nak on9 but sumer pintu berkunci. ngeheheheh
so lepak tgk hbo jela.
dyana fly hari ni and dia a bit xleh nak kacau dia sgt.
so lepak tgk tv sampai la petanggg. serius bosan and xtau nak buat ape. tgk tv pon bukak hbo and mtv dgr lagu. then dyana finally text me, dia da xbusy and otw pg mkn.

aku lak that time tgh ngantok sgt.. xtau la pesal. then pegi rumah basuh and sidai baju jap, then pg rumah sebelah blk and tido smbl tgk loving leah. sweet citer tu! >.<
then mlm tu pegi kdai hot2 bungkus nasi lemak, mkn kat rumah..
lepak je tgk tv smpi pening kpala.

td aku call yaya, adik dyana. saje borak2 jap tanye khabar. lame xdgr suare.. asyik gelak je adik aku sorang ni.. aku tanye la "eh eh nape gelak nih? hahaha" yaya jwb "ntah, yaya tgk abg gelak yaya pon gelak lah. hahahaha"
hahahaha, yaya yaya. then aku pesan study and tidoq elok2. pmr dia bulan 10 and lambat lagi, so aku ckp "rilek2 dulu..hahaha"

then dyana nak kuar hang out ngan kwn2 dia mlm ni.. take care and have fun tau yang. anything kejut i. i nak tidoq dulu sbb pnt.
and hopefully dia boleh buat ss nnt.
aku xleh buat sgt da sbb kene jimat sket nak beli hadiah utk dia sumer..
nsb baik dia jnis yg memahami. :)

oh oh, aku ade try call taufiq sbb dia terlibat dlm accident. ni pon aku tahu melalui fb dia. nmpk gaya mcm sumer ok but still, aku call la nak tau sumer ok ke tak..
ok ok, eden br balik from hot2 and dia nak gune lappy.

yang.. i syg u.

Monday, April 5, 2010

tiring day.

ohh, penat sgt smpi x tahu nk tulis ape.
so today, bgn pagi around 7am. and trus call dyana sbb dia ckp nak call but xcall.
so aku pun mcm biase, trus call sbb risau tkt anything happen to her..
u ni kan yanggg, suke sgt buat i risau. huh!

then smbg tido and bgn pkul 10am, thanks to dyana sbb kejutkan me. :)
aku suke bile bgn2 je trus dgr suara dia.
aku tau ini akan kedengaran sgr jiwangggg but her voice sedap sgt..
she makes me comfortable.

bgn bgn, mandi mandi, masak hotdog, ingatkan nak curik kentang aizat tp mls nak potong sumer, so mkn hotdog ngan sos jelaa. haha
then eden ajak aku teman dia mkn, cis, kalau aku tau xdela aku msk hotdog, baik mkn sama2 ngan dia.

then pegi skolah, baca2 sket psl night flying, and prepare board utk briefing nnt,
then fly if for 2hours dgn eden. then land jeee, refuel, brief dgn captain harun and captain wan, then makan.

after makan, balik2 trus fly. best wehhhh
interesthing giler but cuak sket ah..

oh, aku ade tangkap a few pics td but xleh nak upload skang. lappy aizat mcm ade sumthing wrong ngan bluetooth dia. xsbr nak tunjuk kat dyana.. :(
pic xdela cantik but... cantik gilerrrrrrr wehhhhh
hahahahaha >.<

so esok xfly. tp aku nak fly.. sbb esok dpt pegi solo for night flying.
but apekan daya.. rest jelah esokk
nanti dpt teman dyana satu hari suntuk.
and dyana ade birthday party jap lagi, kawan dia punye birthday party.
soo, happy birthday syafiq mustafa!
walaupun aku xpenah jumpe kau,
but no harm in wishing kau kan? :)

and td dgr citer, ade kemungkinan untuk buat cpl gh and if test kat kb.
mane boleh wehhhhhh!!!!
oh oh amir da balik, skang tgh tgg bad pulak.

oh, i just knew that klifa has taken over 9m-tat. :)
i flew that ac and now, dyana pulak fly ac tu..
the way i see it, aku suke sbb dyana pegang apa yg aku penah pegang,
dyana tgk apa yg aku penah tgk kat ac tu.. walapun yang berbeza cume masa, but we look at the same thing.
kalaula aku ade ac yang dyana penah bwk kat sini, aku rasa mcm nak simpan ac tu untuk aku sorang.
i really miss and love u, my fiancee to be.. :)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

about you.. :)

u ni kan! terkejut i tau bile bangun je tgk2 da pkol 5am and xde pape from u.
u tau i ni jnis yg cpat je fikir bukan2 kan, so mestila i ingat sumthing happen to u.
tp nsb baik i call u jawab and bile dgr suare u je, nmpk la yg u br bgn tido..
:) lege sket..
and waktu tu i bgn pon sbb meera call me nak mintak tlg amek dia and sarur from stesen bas. thank u yang sbb sanggup teman me.. :)

ye ye, i know sumtimes i suke ckp lepas and xfikir betul2 dulu before ckp, but i'll try to be more careful k..
but niat i cume utk bergurau je, nothing serious pon..
u know me..

i miss and love u..

what a longg day!

ok, today terbang dr pagi sampaii la petangg.
pegi kb buat nav with u know who.
so fly td mcm biase, bosan.. =.=
tp memandangkan otw balik tu kami ikut route inland, and aku xpenah pegi route tu, so thanks to ck,
dia tunjukla kat aku tempat2 tu sumer..
then land, after lepak2 jap, then t/o balik pg kb. kami buat 2nav today, same route.
sampai kb mcm biase, refuel jap and bile nak fly balik, after t'o je, we noticed that ai topple. so we land balik kat kb to get it fixed. tp engineer tu kata it might take 2hours to finish it. and that time da pkul 3pm.
so flt ops pun kate la kalau ptg ni ac xsiap lg, we had to overnight kat kb..
lucky kpl sempat repair, and we pun balik but ikut jalan coastal and it only took about one hour.
otw nak balik pun awan cb menompok2.

oh, ayah aku ade call aku td said cadet pilot MAS da bukak, and there is an open interview on 10th april.
aku fokus kat bende ni sbb sedara dyana ade mintak tlg aku sbb dia pun interested gak nk jd cadet pilot.
so aku pun buat jela apa yg aku mampu.

haha, otw balik td kene htr flt plan kat tower. dgn CK lagi!!
argh! hahaha, nak suruh dia naik sorang boleh je, tp mcm xsampai hati je.. hahahaha
oh, and awal pagi td aku amek 2batchmate aku dr stesen bas. haha
aku nak kuarkan van dr rumah tu punyela susah. sampai belakang van terlanggar batu kat belakang. siap ade calar beb, bnyk lak tu, terutama kat belakang van. and ade calar sket kat sebelah. tp saipul xtahu. hehehehhe
dok senyap2 sudaaa. =.= and thanks yang teman me pagi td. :)

oh and esok night flying da start, mane nak cari torch light nii??

Saturday, April 3, 2010

the jewel of my heart.

my family.. :)

the one that makes my heart go crazy.. :)

i cannot live without them.

bergerak sudah group 3.

today, group 3 pegi kb untuk habiskan sim training..
total of 30hours and arouund 12days for them to finish it.
yang xbestnya, john and aniq pegi..
nak kacau sape pulak kali ni? biasenya john jela yg aku suke kacau..
deepa pun aku suke kacau gak..
hadoiii, mesti boring sket klu xde group 3. rindu!
tp nak wat cemane..
group aku pun memanjang busy, fly everyday sbb due date for us is on 15th april.
insyaAllah dpat.. and fnt aku luse!! pergh!!!
aku xready lagi wehhhhh.
pastu smbg ngan nite flying, pastu cpl gh test pulak...
pergh, seramnyer aku.. :(

xnak fly boleh ke? hahaha

jadi skang kat rumah aku, tinggal saiful, our engineer. me, ck, and syazwan!
haha, rumah sebelah pulak tinggal aizat, syamir, danny gan, danial, pakcik, prem and meera.
i gotta feeling that i will miss these days when i grow old..

Friday, April 2, 2010

everyday has its own adventure.

hehe >.<

psst:hensem kan? hehehe

ps: saya tahu pic saya xcantik, perasan cute, nak muntah bile tgk but who cares. i had fun taking them!

today, bangun je.. trus jalankan tugas pertama which is kacau dyana. hahaha
aku suke kacau dia tido.. nnt kalau dia tgh syok tido, suare dia mcm sedap sgt..
aku tanye sumthing. "dia ckp "aa..aa..aaaaaa.."
hahaha, suke!

then pg td fly with ck for 3 hours. then i proceed with my gh. i only did circuits and landing, malas nak pg training area. i need to focus more on my approaches and landing.
and i chose to fly tgh hari sbb usually at noon, angin dia sasau sket.. kejap crosswind, kejap headwind.. =.=
so barula boleh practice ngan betull.. haha, ceit!! padehal kalau wind light and variable pun landing aku pun mcm hampeh. haha

then sortie hbs tgh hari, tgg van nak balik sumer.
and td captain younus land kat kt. pergh, cuak aku bile tgk dia. and that time aku da dlm aircraft br nak start, and dia lak baru kuar ac.
aku pun ape lg, tunjuk hand signal kat dia mcm aku buat kat marshaller. haha

and penat sgt today! :'(
esok fly 10hours. mutual ngan ck for 5hours, jd safety pilot dia. and ck jd mine for 5hours also. letih and most probably by luse buat fnt. mak ai..
i am soo not ready!

oh, yang, sorry about td.. i xtau u tgh tido.. u xbgtau pun..
u just ckp ingatkan u untuk siap2.. sorry yang.. :)
please fly safely.. i miss u and looking forward to see u beautiful.

taat. thank u! :)

there was one night where she asked my permission to go for karaoke at mid-night.
then aku ckpla "kalau baby xpegi mlm ni boleh?"
then dia tanyela.. "why?:("
then aku ckp "urm.. nak u teman me"
padehal aku bagi tau.
aku saje2 je nak uji dia.
aku nk tgk kalau aku ckp xboleh dia tetap nak pegi tak.
haha, jahat en aku? =p

then dia pun "urm..ok.. :("
then i asked again "btul ni?"
dia ckp "dah u xnak."
i said "thank u baby.. :)"
dia ckp "urm"
aku ckp trime kasih bukan sbb dia xpg sbb aku suruh. aku ckp trime kasih sbb she's willing to sacrifice her happiness for me.. :)

kalau dia ckp "urm", maknanya dia tgh majok.
aku da tau sgt da. kalau dia asyik text "urm" "urm"
maknanya dia tgh majok la tu, kalau aku xpujuk, smpi bile2 la dia majok.
tp aku ni jnis yg xsuke tgk dia majok..
tgk dia majok je, hati aku cair trus dah. haha
>.< da syg sgt, nak wat cemane.. :)

then aku ckpla "ok, baby pegila.. i izinkan.. :)"
then dia ckp "ha?? btul ke??"
then aku ckpla "btul syg.. :) i nal uji baby je. i nak tgk kalau i ckp xboleh, syg tetap nak buat jugak ke."
then dia ckp "baby gedik!"

haha, i suke uji u yang.. =p
i nak baby taat kat me.. and u have prove it to me. :)
hehehe, gedik tol aku nih.

tp aku suke sgt bile dia kata ok.. i xpegi kalau u xnak i pegi..
walaupun dlm hati dia, dia nak sgt nak pegi..
yang.. as long as baby buat bende yang ok, bukan bende yg memudaratkan, i izinkan.. :)
aku nak jugak dia have fun whenever she can. xbestla jd kongkong2 nih.

pics budak2 =.=

here are some pictures for u syg..
memandangkan pinky u still belum hbs repair, xleh nak htr u pic. :(
aku ni kalau bab2 tangkap gambar, mmg mcm ni. suke berlagak comel, cute, ngade2, mcm2 la. haha
da lame xtangkap gambar mcm ni..

oh, td fly i sesat sket. haha, ops ops, bukan sesat sket, sesat bnyk! i pun blank cemane la boleh sesat padehal i da pegi route tu more than 5times.
tula dia, nasib baik i dpt cari track balik.
and i buat tng kat kerteh td yang, i buat muka bangga sbb land and t/o dpn chopper. chopper tu tgh hold kat holding point. hehehehe

=.= i kuat berangan.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

laptop deepa hilang!! oh tidakk! takutnya aku dgn pencuri~

ok guys, baru td laptop deepa kene curik. xtau la saper curik but org yg curik tu mmg hati kering. sbelum deepa tido mlm smalam, laptop dia letak btul2 kat meja dpn muka dia. pagi2 bgn tgk2 trus dah xde. pergh, kalau nak fikirkan, xkanla pencuri tu selambe je masuk rumah and bilik deepa, and trus amek lappy dia dpn2 muke dia.
xgentar ke?
this is not the first time, before this waktu we all baru masuk, lappy prem pulak kene curik. weh bahaya ni wehh..
naseb baiklaa lappy aku, aku bg kat dyana. aku ni dah la jnis yg kuar rumah xreti nak kunci pintu bilik.

xtau la nak buat ape dgn hal ni, maybe nak report polis kot. maybe tak. tgkla mcm mane., but tgk keadaan mcm dah jd serius je ni..

now aku balik jap, aku fly pkul 3pm. aku dtg pagi sbb patutnya aku kene backseat ck fly.
tp tak jadi pulak.. so aku pun spent la masa terluang aku buat sortie and flt plan utk esok.

esok aku fly if 5hours with danial.
lusa aku buat nav mutual with ck 5hours.
pergh, boleh mampos wehhhh..
haha, but nak buat cemane, school tgh push kitorang kaw so that we can finish single engine by 5th april.
boleh terberak dlm suar ni sbb penat sgt. =.='

haha, yang, please fly safe dgn qilla nnt.. jgn main2 kat atas tu..
i serius ok.. i kuat main gak but bile fly, i tukar jd serius person..
syg handsome gile!

happy seeing u happy

skang ni aku tgh berwc dgn dyana.
bukan selalu ok kami dpt berwc, thanks to pakcik! dia pinjamkan aku laptop dia kat aku sbb dia malas nak bwk blk laptop.
hehehe, and meera tinggal kat rumah pakcik for a few days sbb meera and pakcik nak update medical license dorang.. and meera ni plak, suke adik pakcik. umo adik pakcik tu 17thn kot.. hahaha
gatal punye meera! syok la dia..

haha, :)
aku suke bile tgk dyana senyum, ketawa, aku suke bile tgk dia happy.
sbb bile tgk dia happy, aku pun happy. aku happy sbb tgk dia happy.
=.= betul ke aku ni? haha

i'm happy when u said u happy with me, cause i feel the same way too.
i'm glad i'm not alone.

tulis sbb dia suke. :D

nak tahu satu rahsia tak.
waktu aku kcik2 dulu, aku slalu berangan nak ade diary tau.. tp bile mak aku da belikan aku satu buku yg mmg khas utk diary, aku tulis untuk 2,3 hari je, pastu aku da malas dah. pastu bile da brape bulan, rasa mcm nak tulis bali, then smbg tulis utk 2,3 hari aku da bosan. aku da malas, jadi sbagai hasil, buku tu penuh tak sampai 10page pun.

dulu aku ade blog gak, tp kejap rajin, kejap tak.
aku xnak mcm ni.
but now lain.
aku ade blog, and aku rase slalu nak tulis sbb aku tau akan ade seseorang tu yg akan sentiasa baca.
dia support aku.
aku kalau nak buat sumthing mmg senang, tp kene ade org support aku.
kalau x, aku susah nak buat.

thank u syg.. i terharu bile bby kata bby suke my blog. padehal i tau bahasa i punyela truk dgn layout nya yang xcantek langsung.
but u suke baca blog i, no matter apa yg i tulis, i tau u akan baca. and i tau u akan faham apa yg i critekan. :)

thank you syg..


aku rindu keluarga aku.
aku rindu mak aku, aku rindu rumah.
aku rindu kereta mak aku yg aku selalu pakai kalau nak pergi mane2.
aku rindu nak makan kat rumah.
aku rindu ayah aku.
aku rindu adik2 aku.
aku rindu dyana.
aku rindu keluarga dyana.
aku rindu nak balik.
aku rindu nak terbang.
aku rindu banyak sgt sekarang, perasaan ini memakan diri aku sendiri.

syg syg, i suke bau kaki i tau. kaki i masam tapi i suke bau dia. masam tp sedap.
=.= pelik kan? pengotoq giler kot!

first post

hari ni aku dikejutkan dgn satu panggilan yg sungguh x disangkan.
captain harun call aku pagi2 bute tanye aku flt plan dia aku ada hantar ke tak smalam.
aku pulak, tgh mamai masa tu.. aku ingatkan dyana call, sbb dia sorang jela yg call aku pagi2.. so aku ckpla "hai baby.."
captain harun pulak da blur.. then dia tinggikan suare dia "woii, u passed my flt plan or not??" aku pun terkejut la sbb apesal garau sgt suara baby aku hari ni then aku pun dgn nada kurang ajar tanye.."ni saper ni?" (masa ni aku xtau yg captain harun yg call)
then dia jwbla.. "okkk, this is captain harun."
aku da blank. alamak! aku da cuak da. haha
aku pun menggelabah la jwb "oh.. yes sir.. aa.. sorry sir.."
hahaha then kitorang bincang jap la psl flt plan yg aku xhtr tu..

yang aku xsuke.. dia boleh jekan tanye baik.. bgla salam dulu ke ape.. kenalkan diri dulu.. ni blum pape dah menengking, mmg buat aku panas la..
haha, but papepun mmg lawak bile fikirkan balik. and aku pun da mintak maaf kat dia and dia ckp xpe.

yela, my syg pun xsuke aku ckp ksr2. and dia ckp aku xresponsible..
mmg btul, aku terlepas pndg lak sortie captain harun. ingatkan dia xde nav. haha
sorry syg, i tau u xsuke.. and i buat elok2 next time eh.. :)

then fly mcm biase, pg kb sbb nak tukar kapal. aku fly dgn captain zarni (apac 20)
dia ade puji aku landing aku perfect sbb crosswind sumer agak kuat.
then dia ade ckp la awal2 waktu aku fly ngan dia, landing aku bounce mcm kangaroo. =.= haha, yela. the very first aku buat my own landing was with him. so dia tau la level aku kat mane.. pastu bile da lama xfly dgn dia, bile fly hari ni,
dia ckp la aku da improve bnyk. aku pun kembang la..
and aku ingatkan nak buat willie kat runway tp bile fikir2 blk, xpyh la. kang xpsl2 kemalangan berlaku pulak kang.

willie tu bile ko tgh taxy, speed ac tu xnak bnyk sgt but around 49knots. kau pitch up. nnt ac nose wheel terangkat and ko taxy gune main wheel jelah. but jgn letak more power takut ac trus climb pulak nanti.

haha, pastu balik sumer, dinner, and on9 dgn dyana.. :)
dyana is my girl friend and insyaAllah, my future wife..

picture: that's me and her. :) nmpk kan gadis comel tgh minum milo ngan mata mcm koala tuh 0.0, tula dia. the one yang aku syg sgt.. :)
Nor Idyana Eliany Binti Alias
21st April 1990