Thursday, April 8, 2010

smile smile smileeee :D

smile is the only thing i could do when i'm unable to express my feelings.
sometimes i angry, but i don't show. i smile. i don't pretend like being happy or something but i smile.
because from the i things i observe, it helps me to make correct desicion. it helps me to not regret the decision i made.
when people mad, they say things, bad stuff. and sometimes, they dont even mean it. they simply said it because they are angry.
i don't like that. when i angry at people, i quite because if i say or do something, i'm afraid of the regret that i will feel. that pain is more painful than that angry itself.
u see me like normal but inside u dont know. only i do. unless i tell you how i feel.
but usually i dont. because even if i say, nrmally, it wont make much difference.

life is short. u dont know whats gonna happen tomorrow. would u really be able to live with the burden of your mistake?
people make mistake, therefore it's important to forgive. if u dont forgive, the other person will of course pay the consequences. but u will pay even more.

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