Friday, April 9, 2010

cpl gh and if kat kb. =.=!

pergh, confrim buat cpl gh test and cpl if test kat kb.
mane boleh wehhh, susahnye!! dah la nak kene study about boundaries training area dulu.
and nak kene study chart dulu..
adoiii, ni da mcm keje airline btul da ni. have to get used it la kot.

today fly pagi je, mutual with ck and fly with apac20.
mcm biase, ntg unusual, oh cume waktu nak buat vor y approach tu kene hold kat kt town for 30minutes. hahahaha, borak2 dgn ck la aku wehhh!
ck tanye aku "ei ali how did u meet ur gf?"
then since ade bnyk masa kat atas sbb kene hold, aku pon citer la dr a-z. :)
yang, ck pon d atahu ttg how we met tau, ck. haha
jujrnya, i never expect to tell the stories to ck, but since aku ngan dia da bond baekk punyaaaa (thanks to pakcik and meera sbb schedule me bnyk mutual ngan dia =.=),
so aku pon mmg rasa syok nak citer kat dia..
and he said wahh, not bad..
aku pon xtau ape yg not bad nya but aku trime je sbagai pujian. haha
i feel good when tell stories of us and the person yg dgr pon nmpk interested. aku suke giler! :D

then no more sorties for the day, balik and rehat ajela..
hari ni dyana busy sgt.. :'(
sedeh wehhhh, tp nk buat cemane..
xsbr nak tgg da hbs grad!

hari ni perut saya banyak saket. xtau apesal, maybe sumthing i ate kot.
bukan saket perut mcm cirit birit ke ape, cume slalu nak masuk toilet.
tanda saya sehat la tu kan? hehe

ni esok sure ade sortie, jap lg nak cx at what time.
and most probably we the first 6 pegi kb on 16th.
and dgr citer twin progress kat sane very slowwwww,
so mungkin we dpt cuti dulu.. who knows kan?
hopefully dpt la, da lama x balik jumpe family.
dapat date lagi! and apa lagi, bertambah la album kat fb aku.. hehehehe
suke ske ske!

<3 u dyana.

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