Wednesday, April 14, 2010

ok, this post i want to share with you is about our first met/ date.

the night was at putrajaya, and we had ben planning for a while to meet up and hang out after i came to her house for the first time.
here the story goes,
that day, dyana's cousin visited her family at nilai, her cousins from kedah, kampung dyana.
and during the day, dyana had to teman her cousin to freshen their eyes around kl. so they went to time square, klcc and other places as well. this time, we only started to getting know each other, baru start nak hantar mms, and getting close.

our date was night time, and me being punctual as always, ehem ehem!
came her house after maghrib because she told me she will be back home during that time. and when i arrived at hers, guess what? dyana tak sampai rumah pun lagi but da on the way la.
and i was shy wehhhh because she told me to just go inside her house and get know with her family sumer sebab that time, her maktok was there! and so was uncle Rahmat sabri and his family. masuk2 rumah dyana, salam2 sumer, and duduk kat ruang tamu berbual with her father.

then when dyana da balik, she asked me to give her some time to freshen up sket before we went out. and sian dia, judging from the way she looks, she was tired but since aku da dtg sumer, dia pun senyum je.. thats the first thing that i like about her.
sanggup berkorban.

then mlm tu, pg putrajaya. ingat nak tgk movie but the movie was ful and we decided to jalan2 sekitar putrajaya je.. sbb sepupu dyana tak pernah sampai putrajaya, and i had the honour of showing them the places although waktu nk pegi alamanda tu aku sendiri sesat. =.=

then lepak2, main truth or dare ( game ni pun ade sejarah dia jugak, nnt aku citer lg),
then kene sound ngan pakguard mane ntah telling us that we are not supposed to hangout there at this time at night. then we pun naik kete and drove elsewhere..

and bile nak balik sumer, after da sampai rumah dyana, that time da lewat sgt da, around 2am rasanya and ibu rupa2nya belum tido lagi..
and bermula la story kami di sni, di malam tu..

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