Wednesday, April 14, 2010

let's see, today.. the most interesthing happen is... hurm.. nnt saye citer.
so td pg hanger awal, then only one aircraft flew today which is romeo. and ac tu plak has intercom problem. kirenya kalau butang transmit tak tekan, it will still transmit when we say, kalau kite berbual dgn co-pilot pun, at times, tower boleh dgr our conversation. so kene hati2 la untuk tidak mengutuk tower. hahaha
kat tower ni pun ade makcik pelat, pakcik gelabah, abang sweet. ngehehehe
and my sortie starts at 11am. and ingat kan da sampai hanger, after da tolak ac sumer, ingat nak pg breakfast. but then, pakcik da angkut itu van pegi breakfast sorang2. perghhhh
bukannya nak ajak pakcik ni, aku rase dia mmg sengaja nak pegi sorang sbb nak bg aku quality time with ck utk breakfast nnt.. =.= haha!
then after breakfast with ck, both of us flew for 3hours. for my sortie, it was supposedly IF sortie but i only did GH profile. maybe because i still lack of the confidence for my GH and sincerely, after today, i felt better! maybe sebab ck tought me a few things about stall sumer, what to do and what not. so mcm cool la fly dgn org skem ni. he always knew what to do though sometimes he might be wrong.
then da land, teman saiful aka our engineer lunch jap, then balik.
and i rested for a while since i have more flying on the night.

then petang tu, pakcik balik from flying. he just finished his FNT.
and he sent me and prem back to hanger.
then mlm tadi, apac20 yg jd our instructor. so vacation la broooo
haha, but boring la fly ngan dia at times sbb kalau angin mcm sasau sket je, trus dia take over.
boring la mcm tu. but he did it for our own safety.

then balik, on9 jap sbb tak sbr nak bace blog dyana. :)
then bukak fb ade a few comments in our pic.
reminds me of the old days but as the saying goes, what done is done.

so, back again towards the question. bende plg interesthing happen was.. hurm...
oh oh, td before balik ade mintak captain wan to sign my FTR and logbook. haha, and he perli me because my FTR should had been signed immediately after sortie but i delayed.. and delayed.. and delayed until sumernye bertimbun2 and he had to sign for my early sorties when i first arrived terengganu. nsb baik dia nak sign.

and i cannot wait for the test!

1 comment:

  1. erkk,
    we kawan je la.
    takkan jealous kot :P
    i love u sorang je OK!
    please remember that.

    i miss ur eye!
