Thursday, April 1, 2010

laptop deepa hilang!! oh tidakk! takutnya aku dgn pencuri~

ok guys, baru td laptop deepa kene curik. xtau la saper curik but org yg curik tu mmg hati kering. sbelum deepa tido mlm smalam, laptop dia letak btul2 kat meja dpn muka dia. pagi2 bgn tgk2 trus dah xde. pergh, kalau nak fikirkan, xkanla pencuri tu selambe je masuk rumah and bilik deepa, and trus amek lappy dia dpn2 muke dia.
xgentar ke?
this is not the first time, before this waktu we all baru masuk, lappy prem pulak kene curik. weh bahaya ni wehh..
naseb baiklaa lappy aku, aku bg kat dyana. aku ni dah la jnis yg kuar rumah xreti nak kunci pintu bilik.

xtau la nak buat ape dgn hal ni, maybe nak report polis kot. maybe tak. tgkla mcm mane., but tgk keadaan mcm dah jd serius je ni..

now aku balik jap, aku fly pkul 3pm. aku dtg pagi sbb patutnya aku kene backseat ck fly.
tp tak jadi pulak.. so aku pun spent la masa terluang aku buat sortie and flt plan utk esok.

esok aku fly if 5hours with danial.
lusa aku buat nav mutual with ck 5hours.
pergh, boleh mampos wehhhh..
haha, but nak buat cemane, school tgh push kitorang kaw so that we can finish single engine by 5th april.
boleh terberak dlm suar ni sbb penat sgt. =.='

haha, yang, please fly safe dgn qilla nnt.. jgn main2 kat atas tu..
i serius ok.. i kuat main gak but bile fly, i tukar jd serius person..
syg handsome gile!

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha,i memang handsome :P
    btw,tadi qila balik awal..
    so after i jadi safety qila die balik..
    sebab die pon dah penat..
    before her flt tadi die dah safety syafiq..
    kesian tgk qila..
    so syafiq yang mutual with me tadi..
    weather AWESOME gile!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i landed the plane dalam HUJAN ok..
    cool tak ur gf ni?
    and syafiq amik banyak pix..
    nanti i write bout mutual with syafiq tadi kat my blog eh :)
    love u syg!
