Thursday, April 1, 2010

happy seeing u happy

skang ni aku tgh berwc dgn dyana.
bukan selalu ok kami dpt berwc, thanks to pakcik! dia pinjamkan aku laptop dia kat aku sbb dia malas nak bwk blk laptop.
hehehe, and meera tinggal kat rumah pakcik for a few days sbb meera and pakcik nak update medical license dorang.. and meera ni plak, suke adik pakcik. umo adik pakcik tu 17thn kot.. hahaha
gatal punye meera! syok la dia..

haha, :)
aku suke bile tgk dyana senyum, ketawa, aku suke bile tgk dia happy.
sbb bile tgk dia happy, aku pun happy. aku happy sbb tgk dia happy.
=.= betul ke aku ni? haha

i'm happy when u said u happy with me, cause i feel the same way too.
i'm glad i'm not alone.

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