Tuesday, April 13, 2010

story to tell, story to remember.

this is a piece of story on how i met dyana.
the very first time i saw her, was at jb. that time my batchmate, john went to picked her up to hang out together. and since john was not able to go back home at jb very often, and dyana is his friend, so once in a while when there's oppurtunity, they meet up.
that time i was at jb also, spent a few night at john's, that time i was quite stress at home and i needed to get out. so i decided to spent raya qurban with him.

the very first time i met her, she was messy! long hair and her face was kinda full with pimple and i was.. "ish, bnyknya jerawat" but to be polite, i smile. hehehehe
it was never like i love u when i first met u. no, we have a slightly different story.
so, we went to jb airport to minum2 petang. i remember she talked alot with john and i was mostly sit quietly and hear on what they were saying, and if i could join in, i join.
then having arrived at the airport, we went to coffee shop, and i ordered a drink that was terrible. thats why i decided to drank her drink. i thought she didnt mind at all so that's why i never bothered to ask her permission first.
i just staraight away "dyana, nak rasa sket boleh tak?" and she was like "erkk.."
and i straight away take her drink, and slurpppppp!
then i said "sedap sedap" hahahah
and her face was like "apehal mamat ni belasah air aku??" then when i gave her drink back, she said "oh, habiskan lah"
and i.. never paid any attention to her, just took her drink and finish it without feeling guilty. yelah kan, org da bagi air, amek jelah, sedap pulak tu. coffee choclate. hahaha, sorry sayang!!
then we talk a bit about our personal lives like where does she lives, and so on.
when she said her home at nilai, i thought "wah, dekatnye. boleh la slalu jumpe bile bosan. and its true! next time i met her was at her home and the reason is i was bosan at home!
then i remember went to donnut shop, bought a few doughnuts and brought it back to he table that we were sitting in the coffee shop. and me and john just eat, and i never ask her to take some until i noticed her just watching we ate.
then i offered but she declined. that time i thought "da bg taknak, more donuts for me!" that time i was hungry ok. haha

after that, we went back. sent dyana home. that time my feelings for her never occured yet. nak tau citer selanjutnye? tunggula ehhh..
i'll write more later. :)

ps: i really love you noridyana eliany alias.

i want the readers to know how we, who never have feelings for each other in the first place can turn into what we have now.

1 comment:

  1. oit!
    pimple sebab fly and not enough sleep ok!
    i pon tarak pandang u la time tuuu!
    sebab tu i tak kesah messy2 in front of u :P

    i love u!
