Tuesday, April 13, 2010

14hours left to finish single engine.

i have 14hours left to finish single engine wehhhhh!!
hahhaa, 9days and 5night flying.
and on 19th, captain razak will be coming over here to do our cpl gh & if test.
wow, time sure fliesssss.
tak sabar gile nak habis but at the same time, tak nak jumpa captain razak. pergh cuaknye wehhh

today morning i was supposed to kejutkan dyana tp aku bangun lewat 30minits. adoi, nasib baik roommate dia sempat kejutkan, kalau tak, maunya dia terlambat.

aku pegi skolah at noon as my sortie starts at 3pm. i did solo if with ck and dual gh with 20.
and during if sortie td, i did 2landings.
fly sumer mcm biase cume angin tak kuat, smooth je. maybe sebab da petang kot.
then sebok kire how many sortie left i have to do before test.
and kire2, i have 9hours left for day flying.
insyaAllah kene buat btul2 for my test nnt.
then balik before fly for last sortie, sempat call dyana tp dia angkat. i just called nk bgtau aku nak fly jap.
then after aku da takeoff sumer, dyana call 2kali but aku tak perasan. waktu tu aku pic, and ck safety pilot. so aku berbual dgn dyana jap sambil fly. ngehehehe
jgn risau syg, i da bg ck take control jap. :)

then hbs fly, angkat tong minyak, refuel aircraft, then balik..
today yang paling interesthing happen is i started to enjoy flying with ck!
hahaha, at first mls gile but now, dah takde hal da klu nak fly dgn dia.
and waktu nak request start, i accidently said copied information koli.
haha, patutnya info kilo. hahaha, don't know why but for some reason both of us ketawa terbahak2. hahahaha
it was enjoyable.

(ni klu pakcik bace ni mesti dia ejek aku shialllllll)

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