Sunday, April 4, 2010

about you.. :)

u ni kan! terkejut i tau bile bangun je tgk2 da pkol 5am and xde pape from u.
u tau i ni jnis yg cpat je fikir bukan2 kan, so mestila i ingat sumthing happen to u.
tp nsb baik i call u jawab and bile dgr suare u je, nmpk la yg u br bgn tido..
:) lege sket..
and waktu tu i bgn pon sbb meera call me nak mintak tlg amek dia and sarur from stesen bas. thank u yang sbb sanggup teman me.. :)

ye ye, i know sumtimes i suke ckp lepas and xfikir betul2 dulu before ckp, but i'll try to be more careful k..
but niat i cume utk bergurau je, nothing serious pon..
u know me..

i miss and love u..

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