Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The greatest love of my life.

you are the love of my life,
you have given me so much and i know well that whatever happen,
you will always love me no matter what.
i love you more than anything, anything in this world.
i'd give everything for you as you have given everything for me.

i'd sacrifice everything for you,
as i know you would sacrifice everything for me too.
u have taught me well,
to be a good man on this earth,
you are my everything.

i can not live without you,
i miss you,
i love you.
you are my first love since i was born,
and you will always be my last.

i know you as well as you know me.
i am fully yours,
nothing can break our bond.
not even death.

you will always be my heart,
you taught me love doesn't have to be said,
it can only be feel.

i am yours.
i am your son.

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