Friday, April 2, 2010

everyday has its own adventure.

hehe >.<

psst:hensem kan? hehehe

ps: saya tahu pic saya xcantik, perasan cute, nak muntah bile tgk but who cares. i had fun taking them!

today, bangun je.. trus jalankan tugas pertama which is kacau dyana. hahaha
aku suke kacau dia tido.. nnt kalau dia tgh syok tido, suare dia mcm sedap sgt..
aku tanye sumthing. "dia ckp "aa..aa..aaaaaa.."
hahaha, suke!

then pg td fly with ck for 3 hours. then i proceed with my gh. i only did circuits and landing, malas nak pg training area. i need to focus more on my approaches and landing.
and i chose to fly tgh hari sbb usually at noon, angin dia sasau sket.. kejap crosswind, kejap headwind.. =.=
so barula boleh practice ngan betull.. haha, ceit!! padehal kalau wind light and variable pun landing aku pun mcm hampeh. haha

then sortie hbs tgh hari, tgg van nak balik sumer.
and td captain younus land kat kt. pergh, cuak aku bile tgk dia. and that time aku da dlm aircraft br nak start, and dia lak baru kuar ac.
aku pun ape lg, tunjuk hand signal kat dia mcm aku buat kat marshaller. haha

and penat sgt today! :'(
esok fly 10hours. mutual ngan ck for 5hours, jd safety pilot dia. and ck jd mine for 5hours also. letih and most probably by luse buat fnt. mak ai..
i am soo not ready!

oh, yang, sorry about td.. i xtau u tgh tido.. u xbgtau pun..
u just ckp ingatkan u untuk siap2.. sorry yang.. :)
please fly safely.. i miss u and looking forward to see u beautiful.

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