Monday, April 19, 2010

everyday is a wonderful day if u know how to live it.

today i'm not very well. maybe i had to much of sleep yesterday night until i woke up this morning and have terrible headache last until now.
and later in the noon, fever started to tag along. i started to feel warm and batuk2.
and i managed to sleep a little bit this evening, dyana fly time ni..
and wake up around 5pm after dyana called me.
then had my my haircut and drove bad to town thereafter.

i am so sleepy now.
my tests are confirmed on day after tomorrow.
day after test, go back kota bharu.

today i noticed one thing,
one important thing.
it is seriously wonderful to know that there are one girl out there that truly loves me no matter what.
besides my mom, dad, siblings, cousins.
i have one girl, very special girl who loves me.

then i thought,
"i'm really lucky to have her love, she's sweet and kind, caring and patience, truthful and honest."
then i thought some more,
"i can't wait to have her family's and mine approval to marry her. merisik is the word for malay."

insyaAllah syg, after both of us grad, we tie the knot eh. :)

for every successful man, there is a woman behind him.

1 comment:

  1. sayang.
    this is sooo sweet.
    insyallah :)

    i love u soooo much!
