Friday, April 23, 2010

i have not done much to make my family proud. i am not much in terms of academic when i was a child. i'm quite a naughty kid. haha, thinking back the days, i used to stole some coins from my mom's wallet when i was standard 5. only coins, maybe that time my expenses was all given in coins, so i dare not take duit kertas. sorry mom.. :'(

when i was 7years old, i ran away from home and school. it was not like i hate my school or family,
it was just under friend's influence. we were planning to go to gua musang as there are stories about a harta karun being burried there. and that time was famous with tamiya. a toy sport car.
luckily half the way, my mom manage to find me and brought me back home and i was crying like mad. haha
come to think about it, that was the first time i made my mom cried.

for my UPSR, i only get 1a 4b. yeah, i'm not suprised cause i knew well i was not studying and didn't really care about it.

The point where i realized that there is not much point to get really serious in life because in the end, no one lives. therefore, forgiveness is necessary and helping is the key.


  1. my UPSR lagi daysyat la..
    u dpt 1 A je ke.
    bikin malu wooo! :P

  2. ahaks!!
    i malas nak blaja time nih.. keje main jeee.

  3. aku xtau pun ko ada blog..

  4. hahaha, aku xnak kecoh2..
