Wednesday, June 30, 2010

sayang. :)

many may feel like i'm a kid, who yet to discover about the challenges the world has yet to offer.
but i am in love with noridyana eliany. god knows why i love her, she oftenly makes me mad! tiap2 hari nak cari gaduh, nak marah. ada je things yg i tak puas hati with her, but nevertheless all that,
i love her.

i believe love is not the same for everyone. so, when i think about love, i think about my mom, my family, and her. and when we think about our younger day, when there were moments where we felt like unloved by our parents, hated by our siblings. they all don't last.
they are love that we weren't able to see it just yet.
love can be dramatically romantic and drastically hurts. its depend on how u look at it.

ok2, all i want to say.
sayang i love you. and i really want to live with you.
as your presence around me makes me into a much better person.

uh-huh! sorry lama tak update.

ok.. it has been a while since my last update. i will make it short and simple.

i have graduated on 30th may. and i only duduk kat rumah relax for one month and already kene berleter carila keje, do something useful, bla bla bla. look, i'm just about to relax so don't pressure me. at times, i want to go out and lives with my friends. seriously. cut me some slack.

and i am currently obsessed with games! first i play pokemon in my sister laptop. pokemon emerald, fire red, fire evolution and yellow. haha, its kinda fun to see your pokemon evolve.
and then, i'm addicted to psp. i have loads of new game and even converted psx game.
so... yeah, i'm rocking my own world.

every night, i go to masjid. and it is really good going to masjid u know, solat jemaah ni 27 more afdal than pray alone. but.. i don't like to be FORCE! the more u make me want to do it, the less i feel like doing it. i am growing into a man. i have a rebellion mind. just let me be, and i'll do it.
don't force, it is not cool.

i believe i have put on weight. there were days when i can pumping for more than 30 in one go. but yesterday night i tried, barely make 5 push-ups. =.=

i don;t know when we batch 18 gonna get our called but i sure hope it's soon.
faster i work, faster i get the money, faster i can live my own.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

may i have your hand baby?
i want to dance with you.

you put the beautiful in life sayang,
i will always remember you and appreciating you,
in any ways that i can find.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Blue skies.

some of us often forgets of the existence of the very important person in our lives.
pain shapes our life, it fills us up with experience so that we won't do to others.
good thing comes with a price, you pay for it but others get the benefits.
it is worth it because as long as you know the person you really love's happiness bring your own happiness..

it matters for some of us to deal with the pain,
but it ain't for the rest.

what i am trying to say, try your best to create a blue sky, even after your death, you will be remembered for what you have done for others.

i am thankful to have your love sayang,
and i am grateful for all you have done,
you may wonder what have you done?
all that you do, brings happiness to me.