Friday, May 28, 2010

aku penat2 balik, ingat aku sengaja ke nak susahkan korang? aku pon tak tau la aku fly pagi esok, aku ingat fly petang. ni da sampai rumah, br kwn text aku fly pagi.

korang fikir psl korang dulu,
dimana aku xleh nak kata apa la klu ko nak berbuat sedemikian.
kalau xnak htr, ckp je. xyah ah buat dgn xrela.
aku boleh la balik sendiri naik ktm ke ape.

cume bile aku susah, korang la yg aku pg nak mintak tolong.
korang busy memikirkan sgt psl korang sampai aku sendiri korangx fikir.

tension la mcm ni. aku x menyesal balik td, sbb aku mmg berniat nak lawat keluarga dyana kejap.
walau pun korang act mcm aku ni xde kat rumah walaupun aku ade.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

yesterday i went to Majlis Perbandaran Seremban, there was a beautiful wedding taking place there. i went there with dyana's family, we enjoyed our night, and i met many people and most of them are captains of the airline that i will be working with.

there are many, many wonderful things happen but what i want to say here is, i appreciate the moment i had that night. i appreciate with what i have and i love you, i really do.

to dyana and her family.

Friday, May 7, 2010

i really miss you..

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

i love them.
i miss you.
i miss spending time with you.
i miss those whom i love so much unconditionally.
i miss home.

i want to grad fast, so that i can spend my time with the people i love.

i miss najihah!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Beautiful island.
syg, ni i on9 pki laptop ck.
ck punye laptop ni gabung ngan desktop.
so agak susah nak upload gambar.
bile i da boleh proper on9, boleh htr pic sumer i upload eh.
i love you.
i want to get married, and of course, i want to marry someone that i really love.
i have that someone, and every time i look at her, i feel happy.
maybe because she has a nice hair, white skin, and cute nose and lips.
maybe because she is beautiful.

i like seeing her with a baby, when she with a baby, she will be like..
"aww akiff, akifff,, muah muah, akiff" i love that!
tak sabar nak dpt anak with her.

i went back for a day, short period but it was worth it.
spent time with family, and her family,
nothing beats that.
i want to grad fast, so that i can be there 24/7.

i gave najihah a turtle teddy bear, she named it dino.
after that, she wrote me a card, jap jap, she made it!
oh and i love that.
i love that she malu2 when she wanted to give it.
haha, kaktie pun pelin tgk jihah ni.

dyra seemed shorter. maybe because she's getting thin, tu yg buat dia nmpk kecik kot.
she's having sore throat, hope she get well soon.
azalia same, becoming taller i think.
kaktie definitely become thinner.
dyana's getting kurus, and her face nmpk mcm makin putih.
maybe because she wore bedak kot, but she looks lovely.

ibu getting a bit dark, a side effect of berkebun everyday, that's good.
healthy activity.
i manage to asked abah a few question about aviation.
haha, saje nk tunjuk yg i study more than dekna. hehehehehe

jaja's well, just passed her exams and this june, she and my mom will go to korea,
and i expected to finish by that time, and i will be home to take care of iman and esha during that period.
iman's studies getting bad. abah complained to me that she's not studying enough.
aysha's doing better.

nanti abg balik abg buat tusyen eh, hbs la korang kene cubit2 nnt mcm dulu2.
hahaha, gurau2.
i'll teach soft.

i miss home, i miss her home, i miss everything.
therefore, i cannot wait to grad!